Setelah bla bla bla pernikahan di Jakarta pada Desember 2008 dan diikuti resepsi pernikahan di Singapura pada Oktober 2009 maka tiba saatnya untuk pengurusan ijin tinggal di Singapura. Untuk pasangan asing dari warga negara Singapura memerlukan ijin tinggal yang dinamakan Long Term Visit Pass, ijin tinggal dinegara ini untuk jangka satu tahun dan dapat diperpanjang.
Untuk dokumen yang diperlukan bisa lihat link berikut, pastikan dokumen sudah di translate ke bahasa Inggris semua dari kantor notaris yang terpercaya dan tersumpah:
Setelah mengantri dan dipanggil petugas ICA untuk memeriksa dokumen ternyata masih terdapat dokumen yang kurang yaitu Surat Legalisasi Buku Nikah dari KBRI di Singapura. Oh my... Dengan berat hati kami keluar dari ICA dan langsung mengurus Surat Legalisasi Buku Nikah di KBRI. Link pengurusan Legalisasi tersebut:
Biaya pengajuan S$30
Biaya perpanjangan ijin tinggal selama menunggu ijin tinggal keluar untuk 3 bulan S$40
Biaya pengeluaran kartu ijin tinggal yang berhasil S$60
Berikut link dari web ICA untuk Assessment Pre-marriage LTVP:
Dokumen yang diperlukan,keterangan dari web ICA:
Please have these documents ready before you apply:
From the foreign spouse (applicant)
From the Singapore citizen spouse (sponsor)
From both spouses
(applicant and sponsor)
For Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holders, please renew your LTVP at least 10 days before the expiration of your current LTVP.
First-time applicants need to apply for an LTVP with at least 10 days remaining on their Visit Pass. Visitors to Singapore must have a valid Visit Pass at all times during their stay. They must also have a passport issued only in their name.
You will need SingPass 2FA to submit the LTVP application online using the e-Service.
You and your spouse will also need to complete Appendix (VP) giving consent for ICA to obtain and verify your financial information with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and/or the Central Provident Fund Board of Singapore (CPF).
You and/or your spouse will be contacted by ICA for any additional documents or to arrange an interview, if required.
A S$30 non-refundable processing fee for each application.
Payment can be made using:
Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card or,
American Express (AMEX) credit card or,
Internet Direct Debit (DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Standard Chartered Bank and Citibank Internet Banking accounts in Singapore).
Note: Additional fees will apply upon collection (see below for more details).
Processing Time
If you submitted a Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Application (PMLA) before applying for your LTVP, it may take up to six weeks to process your LTVP application.
If you did not submit a PMLA, the LTVP processing time may take up to six months.
If your application is still within this processing time, please wait to be notified of your application outcome via email or check on the application outcome using the e-Service, rather than contacting ICA to enquire about the status of your application.
Original documents or photocopies may be required during the processing period. You and/or your sponsor may also be called up for an interview during this time. ICA will contact you and/or your sponsor to request any additional documents or to arrange an interview, if required.
Upon approval of application, make payment using the e-Service within 30 days of the issue date on your approval notice:
S$60 for your LTVP
S$30 for a Multiple Journey Visa (if applicable)
S$40 extension fee (if applicable)*
If you fail to make payment, your approved application will be withdrawn.
* If you need to extend your short-term stay during your LTVP application, an extension fee is required upon approval. This fee only applies if you have continuously renewed your Short-Term Visit Pass for three months or longer from the date you arrived in Singapore.
Retrieve your In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter using the e-Service.
You can download the IPA letter and it is valid for two months from date of issue, and does not equate to being issued an LTVP.
Undergo a medical check-up if it is stated in your IPA letter.
Book an eAppointment for completion of Long-Term Visit Pass formalities.
You and your spouse will need to complete the formalities for your LTVP and collect your LTVP card in person at the ICA Building.
Refer to your IPA letter. Prepare originals and photocopies of documents listed in the IPA letter, including documents that were submitted during your application.
You may need to pay a security deposit in support of your LTVP. Your IPA letter will mention if it is required along with the amount and method of payment. You can download a copy of the LTVP card Terms and Conditions here.
On the day of your appointment, both you and your spouse must come to the ICA Building, Level 4, and provide the documents listed in your IPA letter to the ICA officer:
Visitor Services Centre
ICA Building
10 Kallang Road, Level 4 (next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
Operating hours are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).
Dokumen yang diperlukan,keterangan dari web ICA:
Please have these documents ready before you apply:
From the foreign spouse (applicant)
- Passport biodata page
- Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) card
- Your recent passport-sized, digital, colour photograph taken within the last three months. Please click here for photo guidelines.
From the Singapore citizen spouse (sponsor)
- Identity Card
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the past three years, and Central Provident Fund (CPF) Statement showing monthly CPF contributions for the past 12 months
- Letter of employment, stating date of commencement, designation and monthly salary. For those who are self-employed, a valid registration certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and the company’s Profit and Loss Statement for the past 12 months.
From both spouses
(applicant and sponsor)
- Certificate(s) showing highest level of academic qualification
- Marriage certificate
- Divorce certificate(s), if either or both of you have been married before
- Letter of Long-Term Visit Pass Eligibility (LLE), if applicable.
For Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holders, please renew your LTVP at least 10 days before the expiration of your current LTVP.
First-time applicants need to apply for an LTVP with at least 10 days remaining on their Visit Pass. Visitors to Singapore must have a valid Visit Pass at all times during their stay. They must also have a passport issued only in their name.
You will need SingPass 2FA to submit the LTVP application online using the e-Service.
You and your spouse will also need to complete Appendix (VP) giving consent for ICA to obtain and verify your financial information with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and/or the Central Provident Fund Board of Singapore (CPF).
You and/or your spouse will be contacted by ICA for any additional documents or to arrange an interview, if required.
A S$30 non-refundable processing fee for each application.
Payment can be made using:
Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card or,
American Express (AMEX) credit card or,
Internet Direct Debit (DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Standard Chartered Bank and Citibank Internet Banking accounts in Singapore).
Note: Additional fees will apply upon collection (see below for more details).
Processing Time
If you submitted a Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Application (PMLA) before applying for your LTVP, it may take up to six weeks to process your LTVP application.
If you did not submit a PMLA, the LTVP processing time may take up to six months.
If your application is still within this processing time, please wait to be notified of your application outcome via email or check on the application outcome using the e-Service, rather than contacting ICA to enquire about the status of your application.
Original documents or photocopies may be required during the processing period. You and/or your sponsor may also be called up for an interview during this time. ICA will contact you and/or your sponsor to request any additional documents or to arrange an interview, if required.
Upon approval of application, make payment using the e-Service within 30 days of the issue date on your approval notice:
S$60 for your LTVP
S$30 for a Multiple Journey Visa (if applicable)
S$40 extension fee (if applicable)*
If you fail to make payment, your approved application will be withdrawn.
* If you need to extend your short-term stay during your LTVP application, an extension fee is required upon approval. This fee only applies if you have continuously renewed your Short-Term Visit Pass for three months or longer from the date you arrived in Singapore.
Retrieve your In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter using the e-Service.
You can download the IPA letter and it is valid for two months from date of issue, and does not equate to being issued an LTVP.
Undergo a medical check-up if it is stated in your IPA letter.
Book an eAppointment for completion of Long-Term Visit Pass formalities.
You and your spouse will need to complete the formalities for your LTVP and collect your LTVP card in person at the ICA Building.
Refer to your IPA letter. Prepare originals and photocopies of documents listed in the IPA letter, including documents that were submitted during your application.
You may need to pay a security deposit in support of your LTVP. Your IPA letter will mention if it is required along with the amount and method of payment. You can download a copy of the LTVP card Terms and Conditions here.
On the day of your appointment, both you and your spouse must come to the ICA Building, Level 4, and provide the documents listed in your IPA letter to the ICA officer:
Visitor Services Centre
ICA Building
10 Kallang Road, Level 4 (next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
Operating hours are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).
Nah untuk mengurus LTVP apakah memungkinkan sebelum menikah?
Atau sebaiknya setelah menikah?
Karena pekerjaan calon suami saya tidak tetap sehingga tidak memiliki CPF, apakah akan lebih susah lagi atau malah tidak mungkin untuk mendapatkan LTVP?
Mohon infonya ya, terima kasih :)
Nikah. Kalo sudah nikah berarti apply LTVP biasa setelah datang ke Singapore. Seperti nya gak ada minimum salary, asal kan document yg disubmit lengkap gak ada masalah. Kecuali mungkin apply permanent residence ya, ini beda.
Silahkan baca ini ya;
Hope it’s help.
Dan saat apply ltvp itu ada syarat dokumen Disembarkation/ Embarkation (D/E) , nah boleh tau ga standart badan tranlatornya seperti apa yang diakui oleh pemerintah di sana.
Thx you.